The Consortium for the WESTEM project consists of 5 partner organisations from different countries across the European Union: Sweden, Italy, Austria, Cyprus, and Greece.

KC kompetenscenter


University of Thessalis



KC Kompetenscenter was legally established in 2017, originally as the Malmö Non-Profit Competence Center Foundation. In 2019, the name of the foundation was changed to KC Kompetenscenter Idéburen sector.
The purpose of the foundation is to function as an engine and facilitator through competence-enhancing initiatives:
for the idea-driven sector to meet the challenges of today and the future
for people active in the idea-driven sector to work in the various roles required for an engaging business
benefit for the individual and the democratic development of society
for other sectors of society to increase knowledge of and understanding of the idea-driven sector. One of KC's main purposes is to strengthen individuals in their role in the labour market. This can happen in many ways.
KC always tries to start from the individual's needs and conditions.
In addition to good education and great self-awareness, digital knowledge is of great value. A combination of these values is within the framework of KC's competence and operations.

Center for Research and Education Ltd
is a pioneering organisation founded in Cyprus in 2002, which initiates and implements projects of social impact, with a focus on social inclusion. The aim is a green and sustainable future, for the people and the planet. SYNTHESIS is the leading organisation in Cyprus in the fields of social entrepreneurship and social innovation.
As an adult education provider and an accredited VET institution, SYNTHESIS focuses on the development of training programs that enhance the personal and employment skills of people, particularly those who experience or are at risk of social exclusion, including women, refugees, and asylum seekers, NEET youth, elderly, youth, and adults with learning or emotional difficulties, people with disabilities, and those with fewer opportunities.

University of Thessaly
(Panepistimio Thessalias),
with 37 Departments, and 8 schools is a University with its own identity and with a prominent position in our national educational system. The main mission of the University of Thessaly is the promotion of scientific knowledge through research and the contribution to the cultural and economic development of the local community and wider society. It is known for its excellent research performance and outstanding scientific achievements, in accordance with international standards.
The experienced team of UTH has participated with great success in a large number of programs related to STEM, inclusion, human rights, NEETS enhancement and support, innovative educational material production training, social inclusion, entrepreneurship, mobility and well-being. Project initiatives are highly supported by University of Thessaly emphasizing and revealing the unique character they provide.
was established in Turin in 2013 by Caritas Italiana. It aims at fighting inequalities by creating territorial systems of co-responsibility among citizens, public and private organisations. It operates at local, national and international level by implementing action-research projects, networks of practices between communities and universities, capacity building activities for policy makers, professionals and citizens on co-design and co-creation (multi-stakeholders approach) of innovative actions tackling inequalities, through the active involvement of vulnerable citizens and socio-economic local development. Moreover, it facilitates communities in building their own models for reducing local inequalities.
S-nodi built on experience in raising awareness activities on the importance of STEM Education, by: helping participants acknowledge all the different ways in which STEM Education can be implemented in everyday learning; creating a cross-cultural exchange and understanding on the benefits of STEM Education; developing critical thinking skills and problem-solving strategies; bringing innovation in schools through active learning method tools; cultivating the ability to work collaboratively within teams.

brainplus +
Projektmanagment Schabereiter
is a private company working in Austria, which is active in different fields towards learning, education and consultancy. Concerning the training initiatives, brainplus is active in the fields of youth development, adult education, vocational training, innovation management and social inclusion. Brainplus can be seen as a prototype centre for learning and teaching material. Brainplus works to address the needs of different specialised target groups where state-of-the-art training materials have limited success. Furthermore brainplus uses methodologically innovative learning material, where the learner is put in the centre of the learning process and the individuality of the learner is respected.
Brainplus is very active in consulting companies mostly in the region of Styria in taking part in technical funding programmes which are launched either by the SFG (Styrian Business promotion agency) or the FFG (Austrian wide funding agency owned by several Ministries). The programmes relate to promotion of STEM fields and STEM competencies.