Welcome to the WESTEM-project.
WESTEM is an Erasmus+ project running between 2022 and 2024. It will enable opportunities for girls and women to gain the skills and confidence to succeed in STEM. It also aims to increase awareness of the gender gap in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths). The project is mainly focused on creating a platform for empowering young women to enter the STEM field. The European Union funds the project.
Disproportions of representation of women in STEM, as well as other inequalities, affect overall economic growth in many countries, in addition to the challenging social issues it entails, as the Global Sustainable Development Report (2019) acknowledges, based on robust empirical evidence.
The STEM Gap is not easy to tackle and requires sustainable strategies for long-term impact. In WESTEM, the intention is to set the tone for such a path through meaningful support and services.
Our aim
The following concrete objectives are envisaged in WESTEM:
Enable opportunities for girls and women to gain the skills and confidence to succeed in STEM.
Develop a self-assessment tool for assessing HEIs faculty readiness in promoting the participation of women in STEM fields of study.
Develop and apply suitable professional development and training to faculty to promote inclusive STEM education and support for women coming from marginalised backgrounds.
Attract, recruit and retain women into STEM majors and fields in colleges and universities through dedicated role model mentoring schemes.