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Tools for HIGHER EDUCATION InstiTutions

High Education teachers and faculty staff are tackling the gender gap in STEM careers; here, you will find two resources to support you while promoting inclusive and sustainable practices.


First, Assess how you address women´s participation and completion of STEM courses in your institution.


Then, integrate the activities of the Toolkit into your classes!


We have created a Self-Assessment test to assess how HEI faculty  (teaching STEM disciplines) and the administrative staff address women's participation and completion of STEM courses


This test will help you identify your own and your organization's (e.g., University, College) strengths and weaknesses in terms of gender equality in the fields of STEM.


This tool aims to promote women's participation in the STEM fields. 

We have designed a collection of 20 ready-to-use-  learning resources, consisting of systematic and inclusive educational scenarios to support HEI faculty towards more inclusive tertiary education STEM courses to encourage girls to study and complete STEM subjects. 


The intention is to consider not only gender aspects but also the cultural identity of the students attending STEM courses and how instruction should differ to accommodate these differences.


We developed a cross-country report for the WESTEM project to provide an overview of the project lifecycle, particularly project result 3. The report is based on five country reports prepared by partner organizations in the consortium - Sweden, Austria, Italy, Greece, and Cyprus.


The cross-country report evaluates gender equality in STEM studies and careers in various regions, including partner countries. It is essential to recognize the challenges, set long-term goals, identify global difficulties, and offer recommendations to close the gender gap in STEM in the future. The report includes a comprehensive overview of the current situation.

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©2022 by WESTEM. 

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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The authors of this publication are solely responsible for its content, and the European Commission does not endorse it. Their statements are available in this document in multiple languages.

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