Academy of
Mentors & Role models
Our Academy of Mentors and Role Models is a platform where we showcase inspiring and experienced women who have excelled in STEM fields. We provide resources and manuals for both mentors and mentees to use, and our collection of interesting materials is available for everyone to access. Moreover, we feature our documentary of WESTEM portraits and role models, which is a great source of inspiration for aspiring women in STEM.
POrtraits & Role models
Inspiring, fostering and encouraging a new generation

WESTEM Portraits Documentary
This is a short documentary of some of the things our mentors and role models have participated in. It also shows some of the interviews we have done.
To see all of our material go to our Community-page.

Our Academy of Mentors and ROle models
The intention of the mentoring program is to provide a direct link between influential female mentors and mentees while encouraging the mentees to pursue tertiary education in STEM studies and career paths. This relationship is dedicated to supporting the girls' and womens' personal and academic growth
over a period of time, focusing on:
• Addressing career aspirations: connecting undergraduate students considering a STEM graduate application or exploring post-grad opportunities with current students who can provide support and guidance.
• Fostering and encouraging the mentees' growth and
accomplishment of goals in their career.
• Inspiring a new generation of women in STEM.
• Create a support system for gender underrepresented
students in STEM.